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Teaching Aids"

Characteristics of Good Teaching Aids

A few characteristics of good teaching aids are as follows :-

1) Teaching aids are large enough to be seen by the students for whom they are used.

2) Teaching aids are meaningful and they always stand to serve a useful purpose.

3) Teaching aids are upto the mark and upto date in every respect.

4) Teaching aids are simple , cheap and may be improvised.

5) Teaching aids are accurate and realistic

Types of Teaching aids:
White/black bord
Overhead projector
Audio and video

Advantages of Teaching Aids

1) Supplement in verbal instructions.

2) Teaching aids makes learning permanent.

3) Teaching aids provide variety.

4) Teaching aids are helpful in attracting attention of the students.

How to Use Teaching Aids ?

1) Teaching aids should be simple and brief.

2) Teaching aids should be related to the objectives of teaching.

3) Teaching aids should be big door to be seen by all the students.

4) Teacher must use proper teaching aids according to the interest of the student.

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2 التعليقات:

Amal يقول...

I thinks it is helpfull information thank you

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