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Top 6 Ways to Protect Your Computer from Hacker s

Because computer use has become an integral part of modern-day living, IT security has naturally developed into one of the foremost worries we have in everyday life. so there are many way to protect Your Computer from Hackers:
1.           Windows Updates: It's important for you to keep your OS up to speed in order to minimize the possibility of having worms or viruses compromise your system.
2.           Software Updates: it's important for you to get the latest fixes or versions of your favorite applications in order to never let hackers find the opportunity to invade your virtual turf. 
3.           Anti-Virus Software: Running your machine without an anti-virus software—especially if it's regularly connected to the Internet—is downright suicidal in these modern, computer-virus-ridden times.
4.           Firewall: If you don't have a third-party firewall like ZoneAlarm Pro installed, then it's highly recommended for you to activate your Windows firewall (available on all Windows versions from XP and up). 
5.      Password Policies: The passwords you pick could mean the difference between a breached computer and a safe computer.
6.           Data Backup: If you have critical data, work-related documents, or personal files, then you must back them up as often as possible, because you never know what will happen to your computer.

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